Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition (NSPC) is a non-funded community coalition made up of community partners who work to advance suicide prevention, intervention and postvention efforts in Niagara. The mandate of the NSPC, to bring interested community organizations groups, individuals, and volunteers together to help build Niagara to be a suicide-safer community, is realized through NSPC working groups under the direction  NSPC Executive group. The NSPC is guided by the following principles:

1. Suicide is a community health problem;

2. Thoughts of suicide are understandable; reasons for suicide are complex and personal;

3. Suicide is 100% preventable;

4. Through seeking help and direct and honest talk suicide can be prevented;

5. Supportive social networks (personal or professional) are the core of suicide intervention;

6. Community collaborative and coordination support the advancement of NSPC’s efforts around suicide prevention, intervention and postvention;

7. Intervention skills training is available to everyone and can be learned;

8. Ongoing research is important to understanding the effect of suicide on Niagara and the impact of the NSPC efforts.

Visit the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition website or contact the NSPC for more details.

Stacy Terry
Niagara Suicide Prevention Network
