Niagara Connects is a Niagara-wide network for collaboration, planning, learning, innovation and community action toward a stronger future for Niagara.

Mission: Generating knowledge that drives community action.

Guiding Principles:

  • Community strengths, research, and evidence are linked in order to plan for a stronger Niagara
  • Different interests are engaged to work together mobilizing for change
  • Research and activities are guided by communities

Visit for more information.

The Niagara Connects 2016-2018 Strategic Plan includes 3 Focus Areas:

  • Build community capacity to use Niagara-focused evidence (data, information, knowledge) to inform planning and decision-making
  • Facilitate coordinated community action to create the conditions for a more vibrant Niagara
  • Strengthen Niagara Connects as a value-add and sustainable enterprise in the Niagara-wide community

Mary Wiley

Executive Director
Niagara Connects

Phone: (905) 688-6236

View Niagara Connects Strategic Focus Areas 2016