Equity issues have a significant and often negative impact on the people, communities and health care system of Ontario. Consider that:

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers.
  • People with mental health issues face discrimination in employment, housing and many other essential and health-promoting areas of life.
  • Northern Ontarians face the highest rates of depression, hospitalization and medication use, but have access to less comprehensive, available and accessible mental health services and supports.
  • CMHA Ontario is pleased to launch Advancing Equity in Mental Health in Ontario: Understanding Key Concepts. This discussion paper seeks to increase understanding and dialogue within Ontario’s health system by creating a common language for talking about equity issues in mental health.

Contact: ontario.cmha.ca/about-us/contact-us/#.U4TlVvldV8E

Publication Date: May, 2014

View New CMHA Ontario Report: Equity in Mental Health